You can't change the truth and facts with your opinion. Just thought I'd stop by and let you know that! Even a blind man could see that the racial inequality in this country is a direct result of a system built by white men. Being ignorant doesn't mean you aren't complicit. That still makes you at fault. Even "nice white people" played a part in building this corrupt system. They also play a part in maintaining this corrupt, racist system. I am not sure what country you are living in, but the majority of white Americans are not so decent. Sorry to burst your bubble. I think they are capable of being decent, but the majority of them are very entitled and hateful. I am not sure how being entitled, when so many others are struggling to just have equality or their basic needs met, makes you a decent person. It doesn't. I appreciate your opinion, even though it is completely wrong. We are all entitled to our opinions. However, I will remind you again that your opinion doesn't change the truth. We are in a pivotal time in this country. The entitled and hateful people will be left behind. Change is coming. It is time for kindness and love, rather than fear and hate, to be the most powerful weapons. It is going to take some time to get there. But we will get there.