I could say a thousand things, but serious question…
Why do you think rewarding high achievers is more important than making sure everyone is taken care of in a humane way?
Essentially, your mentality is who cares what happens to low earners or the less intelligent, as long as we are rewarding the high achievers.
Am I wrong to assume that? Because that’s the ultimate reasoning I got behind why you think it’s such a problem for young people to think the way they do. The thing is young people have realized capitalism is not an equal system in the slightest. That’s a beautiful realization.
I say fuck capitalism. Capitalism is a system built for the rich to continue getting rich. It was built to keep certain people powerful. It is the perfect system for systematic racism to exist. It is the perfect system to create massive income gaps that result in massive poverty levels. But who cares is what you’re saying, right? As long as the high achievers are awarded, what could possibly be wrong.
I imagine you voted for Trump.
There is no reason people should be homeless or struggling to eat when there are people like Jeff Bezos making billions. That is ridiculous. Capitalism is ridiculous. I’m not saying socialism or communism are perfect or even the answer. But one thing I know for sure is capitalism isn’t. Capitalism favors the narcissist.
No harm meant at all. I just completely disagree with everything about this article.