Obama inherited an economy in the midst of the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression. Any growth you have seen since Trump has been in office has been a direct result of the hard work that Obama did for the economy. You are ignorant if you think Trump is doing a damn thing. If anything, he has halted the growth. Under Obama, our economy would still be growing. The growth you see is from the work that was already done. As far as job creation goes, that too is a direct result of an improving job market that was furthered by the Obama Administration. You Trump supporters love to believe this man has done a damn thing. He is a narcissist and a racist and he has fooled all of you because none of you have the brain cells to actually think for yourself beyond dollar signs and false promises. The expansion of the economy began before Trump was even in office. He loves to piggyback off of the hard work of others. Nothing Trump has done is special or unique lmao. Except maybe the fact that he has made over 20,000 false claims since being in office. And he is literally an idiot. Do some research on how much Trump has hurt farmers and U.S. companies through his trade wars with China. Trump just does random shit and if it works, he claims he is the best president ever. The dude is the worst president in my lifetime HANDS DOWN. And that's saying a lot cause we have had some shitty ones.