There is a lot of different factors that go into it. I will try and write an article about exactly what I do every time I post something soon. However, just some general tips that I like to use. First, I post every article for my current blog to my wordpress blog and then republish it to Medium and link the articles. I also share through my Twitter account. When I write on Wordpress, I always use the Yoast SEO tool to try and optimize my articles for specifc keywords. I use the to share every story as well. Also, there are a lot of facebook groups for Medium and bloging to share to. Quora and Linkedin can be good tools too. The particular picture I used for here..those views were honestly a combination of doing all these things and luck. Bleacher Report is an NFL site that shares posts around the internet. They have 9 million followers. Through sharing and doing SEO, they found my article and shared it on their site. I have seen News Break be used that way as well. Getting your article linked or reposted somewhere else can bring a lot of views.